Migrating a Heroku Add-on to Atlas


This is not possible to do now and you will need to do a fresh copy of Nightscout with Github, Heroku and Atlas, Follow these instructions of 2022! Click Here to Update Nightscout

Guide - Migrating a Sandbox Heroku Add-on to Atlas

Pre-Migration Setup

A. Create your Atlas organization                                                                                                                                                           

  1. Visit https://mongodb.com/cloud/atlas/signup and register for an Atlas account.
    • The email address that you sign up with will become the username that you use to log in.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
  2. Ensure that you are on the Project view by visiting https://cloud.mongodb.com.                                                                                                                                                                                                   
  3. (Optional) Rename the default organization.
    • Rename it to your name or your family name (e.g., “Smith Family”).
    • You will be able to change this later so don’t worry about what you choose.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
  4. (Optional) Delete the Atlas project that was automatically created during registration.
    • An Atlas project called “Project0” was automatically created in Step 1 and can optionally be deleted since it won’t be used.                                            

Next: B. Connecting Atlas to your source mlab account

Guide - Migrating a Sandbox Heroku Add-on to Atlas

Migrating a specific Database

C. Cause the migration process for a specific database



  1. Ensure that you are on the “mLab Account” view and see a list of your mLab deployment(s).                                                                 
  2. If you are not on this view:
    • Ensure that you are logged in to the target Atlas organization.                                                                                                                
    • Ensure that the target Atlas organization has been selected from the Organizations menu (The Diabetic Way)(the drop-down menu in the top-left corner next to the MongoDB green leaf logo).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
    • Navigate to the Organization Home view (click on the green MongoDB leaf icon in the upper-left corner).                                                                                                                                
      • From the left navigation select “mLab Account”.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
  3. Locate the mLab Sandbox deployment that you want to migrate to Atlas.
    • Click the Hamberger icon  (…) button for that deployment.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
    • Click “Configure Migration” to open the migration wizard for the given deployment.                                                                                                        

Below is an example of what the migration wizard looks like when migrating from a mLab Sandbox database to an Atlas M0 cluster.


Next: D. Complete these tasks in the migration wizard

Guide - Migrating a Sandbox Heroku Add-on to Atlas

Pre-Migrating Setup

B. Connecting Atlas to your source mlab account


In order to use the migration tool that was custom-built for migrations from mLab to Atlas, you’ll need to create a connection between your mLab account and your new Atlas organization.


  1. Ensure that you are logged in to the target Atlas organization.                                                                                                                 
  2. Ensure that the target Atlas organization has been selected from the Organizations menu (the drop-down menu in the top-left corner next to the MongoDB green leaf logo).                                                                                                                                              
  3. Click on the Organization Settings icon next to the Organizations menu (the gears icon)                                                                         
  4. Scroll down and click on the green “Connect to mLab” button.                                                                                                                                               
  5. Log in to the source mLab account from the same browser.                                                                                                                            
    • One way you can do this is by logging into Heroku account, selecting your app, and clicking on your mLab add-on.
    • Also, make sure to make a note of your mlab account name which is located at the top right                                                                                                                                                                                     
    • Review our documentation on Heroku for other ways to log into your mLab account.                                                                                    
  6. In mLab’s UI review the text presented by the “Authorize MongoDB Atlas” form and click “Authorize” to complete the connecting of your mLab account with your Atlas organization.                                                                                                                                     
  7. The “mLab Account” link in the left navigation pane should now be highlighted, and you should see the “mLab Account” view which provides access to the migration wizard.                                                                                                                                                    
  8. Make sure that deployment listed includes “heroku_” in it (e.g., ds123456/heroku_b4k80p49).                                                                       
    • If it does not, you are either running Nightscout on mLab directly (not via Heroku) or you must have multiple mLab accounts, and you’ve connected to the wrong one.

Next: C. Cause the migration process for a specific database

Guide - Migrating a Sandbox Heroku Add-on to Atlas

Migrating a specific Database

D. Complete these tasks in the migration wizard


      Complete these tasks in the migration wizard


Step 1. Create the target Atlas project

Enter a value in the “Project Name” field (e.g., “Nightscout”) and then click on the green “Confirm Project and Continue” button. You will be able to change the name of the project later.





Step 2. Import database user(s)

Click on the green “Import Database Users and Continue” button.



Step 3. Configure an IP whitelist

Check the checkbox to allow all IP addresses and then click on the green “Allow All and Continue” button.

You will receive an email from MongoDB Atlas with the subject of ‘You’ve added “Allow access from anywhere (” to your IP Whitelist’. This is expected.



Step 4. Create the target Atlas cluster

Select “Create most equivalent new cluster” from the drop-down menu. This will expand the modal into a larger screen.

Scroll down and click the green “Confirm Target and Continue” button to create a free Atlas database (M0 tier). It will take about 7-9 minutes for the Atlas database to be created.

Unlike mLab, the Atlas M0 (free) tier does not include backups. If backups are important to you, you will need to manually take your own backups (email <a href="mailto:support@mlab.com">support@mlab.com</a> for help) or migrate to the Atlas M2 tier which is approximately $9 per month and includes a free daily backup.






Step 5. Confirm the source and target

Review your info about the source and target to confirm that you’re migrating from and to the correct deployments. If everything looks good, click on the green “Confirm and Continue” button.


Ensure that you see MO on here if you want to migrate to a free Atlas Cluster.





Step 6. Test the migration

Click on the green “Begin Test Run” button.

Note that:

  • This step will delete any data existing on the target Atlas cluster and then run a mongo dump on your source mLab database followed by a mongore store into the target Atlas cluster.

  • We strongly recommend performing a test run of the migration. The test run will not only give you an estimate for how long the process will take, but it will validate that the process will work for your particular set of data and indexes.



Step 7. Test connectivity

Assuming you have reviewed the Migration Prerequisites, you can skip the instructions in this step and click on the green “Confirm and Continue” button.



Step 8. Ensure independence from the Heroku add-on’s config var

Nightscout users can skip this step completely because the Nightscout code already looks for the existence of a different config var, MONGO_CONNECTION, which we will be creating later. Click on “Confirm and Continue”.










Step 9. Migrate 

This step is the real migration! Clicking “Begin Migration” will change the role of the database user(s) which exist on the source mLab deployment to be read-only. If an unexpected error occurs, and you want to abort the migration process and start using your source mLab deployment again, you will need to recreate the database user(s) on your source mLab deployment through milab’s management portal. Performing a test migration ahead of time will help avoid the need to do this. If you do rollback to mLab, note that any writes that are made to the target Atlas cluster will not exist on the source mLab deployment and will be deleted if you attempt another migration later. You should not start another migration; instead please email support@mlab.com with a link to your Atlas organization or project for help.








Step 10. Start using Atlas

At this point the import of data and indexes from your source mLab database to the target Atlas cluster is complete.

You can now restart your Nightscout application with the connection string for your Atlas cluster:

  1. Click on the “Copy” button to copy the connection string to your Atlas cluster into a text editor.






  1. Log in to Heroku.
  2. In the Heroku UI, you should see your Nightscout app listed. Click on the row for your Nightscout app to navigate to its management page.
  3. In the Heroku UI, select the “Settings” tab.
  4. In the Heroku UI in the “Config Vars” section, click on the “Reveal Config Vars” button.
  5. In the Heroku UI, find the config var named either “MONGODB_URI” or “MONGOLAB_URI”. Copy the characters in between the “:” character and the “@” character. Those characters make up the database user’s password. In your text editor, replace the <password> placeholder with this password. You now have prepared the Atlas connection string in your text editor.


  • Make sure you have not inadvertently added a space before or after the password. The connection string should not have any spaces in it.
  • Make sure you do not include the “<” and “>” characters from the password placeholder since those are simply signifying a placeholder value.


  1. In the Heroku UI at the bottom of the list of config vars, add a brand-new MONGO_CONNECTION config var with the connection string to your Atlas cluster.
  2. Verify that your Nightscout app is still working. If it is not working, do not start another migration since this will make things worse. Instead, see the Troubleshooting section below.



Step 11. Delete mLab deployment (instructions only)

To delete the source mLab deployment, you will need to delete the Heroku mLab add-on via Heroku’s interface. Once you have deleted the add-on, verify again that your Nightscout app is still working.






  1. I am seeing a “Wrong API secret” message after completing Step 10 (Start Using Atlas). What do I do?

This most likely means that you have multiple mLab databases, and you migrated the wrong one. However, this error can occur for a number of other reasons - please see the last question on this page on how to get help.

  1. I am seeing “Error: invalid schema, expected mongodb” after Step 10. What do I do?

This means that you did not update your Nightscout site to the latest version (Step 1 of the Migration Prerequisites).

If you did update to the latest Nightscout version, please double-check that you completed Step 12 (the last step) of these version update instructions. This step is important because it will ensure that you have deployed the updated Nightscout version to your Heroku Nightscout application.

Steps to confirm which Nightscout version your app is running:

  1. Navigate to https://dashboard.heroku.com/apps/nameofyourapp (replace “name of your app” with the name of your Heroku app).
  2. Click on the “More” button at the upper-right corner and select “Run console”.
  3. From the form that slides up, click on the “bash” link in blue below the “Run” button and then click on the “Run” button.
  4. Once you see the “~ $” prompt, carefully type in “npm ls | grep nightscout” like so:

~ $ npm ls | grep nightscout

… then press on the return/enter button on our keyboard. The response will include a string like:

nightscout@13.0.1  / app

In this example, the version of Nightscout deployed to your app is 13.0.1.

  1. My Nightscout app isn’t working after Step 10. What do I do?
  2. Do notstart another migration as this will make things worse.
  3. If you haven’t already, update your Nightscout site to the latest version(Step 1 of the Migration Prerequisites).
  4. Ensure that the value of the MONGO_CONNECTION config var does not have any spaces in it. This value should start with “mongodb+srv://” if you completed Step 10.
    • If you find an issue and fix it, wait a minute to see if your app at https://nameofyourapp.herokuapp.comis now working for you (replace “nameofyourapp” with the name of your Heroku app).
  5. Ensure that “MONGO_CONNECTION” is spelled correctly (i.e., no typos).
    • If you find an issue and fix it, wait a minute to see if your app at https://nameofyourapp.herokuapp.comis now working for you (replace “nameofyourapp” with the name of your Heroku app).
  6. Reset the database user’s password by visiting the “Database Users” view for your Atlas project and click on the “EDIT” button to change the database user’s password. Then replace the password placeholder (<password>) in the MONGO_CONNECTION config var with the new password.

For more help, see the next question.

  1. How do I get help?

The mLab Support team is here to help! Please email support@mlab.com with:

  1. A link to your Atlas UI after you are logged in; the link should include “cloud.mongodb.com”.
  2. The value of the “MONGO_CONNECTION” config var (mask the database password by replacing the text between the “:” and the “@” with “PASSWORD”).
  3. A link to your Nightscout app; the link should include “herokuapp.com”.

