
Libre 2 UK direct to xDrip on Android

Freestyle Libre 2

This is some info on how to configure xDrip on an Android phone to communicate directly with a Libre 2 sensor of UK/EU origin using Bluetooth. This feeds data into xDrip every minute without scanning or requiring a 3rd party add-on device to bridge from the NFC on the sensor to Bluetooth.

Libre 2 sensors in the US are not currently supported, as they do not yet have a Librelink app and the developer community has not been “cracked” the revised encoding/ encryption of the US Libre 2 sensor.

 iPhones are excluded too. I have not considered watches other than as existing repeaters/displays/followers of xDrip information.

This is based on my own read-up, using a Samsung S9 compact phone running Android 10. I have used Xdrip before not only for xdrip and Freestyle Libre 1 but got it running within a couple of hours of the sensor arriving.

I hope this will help users of Xdrip who find themselves switched to Libre 2 and losing the functionality they had with an add-on and Xdrip.

1.    Pre- Requirements

You will need the OOP2 package will contain part of Librelink’s algorithms and is used to manage the Bluetooth data stream and extract values. Do not confuse this with the previous OOP package used to emulate Librelink values and seen by some as a form of “calibration”. This is confusing, so beware. If you are used to using OOP on Xdrip you should disable it initially, perhaps uninstall it, it isn’t compatible.

OOP2 is made available by the developer at OOP2 Downlaod 


2.    Freestyle Libre 2 & Sensors - Freestyle Libre Web Site 


3.    Your phone needs to be running a recent build of xDrip for example the 23/12/20 nightly build that I used. The “stable” release is some months old and the Libre 2 functionality used here was added in December 2020.

Nightly builds are released at Nightscout Foundation or on this website at xdrip-download

4. First step is to install OOP2 and run it (it just opens on the screen and presents a few options) then get yourself updated to this release of xDrip and check everything else in your ecosystem works. Make a full backup of data and settings in xDrip before downloading and installing the updated apk.

Both the apks are in the Files area of Libre Geeks FB group @ https://www.facebook.com/groups/libregeeks. There is nothing in the Play Store for these programmes.

 If you are used to Xdrip you will be familiar with installing apks, if not you need to learn how to make “installation from unknown sources” available on your phone for example by setting the App permissions of Google Chrome. You can also download an “APK Installer” app from the Play Store which will make it easier. Some file managers include APK installation tools like Samsung My files on google play which I find brilliant 

5.    Starting the sensor

The Libre 2 sensor can be started in the usual way and once working on your arm. I was cautious and used Librelink on a different phone with the Bluetooth off, to minimise the chance of the sensor’s Bluetooth becoming tied to Librelink. This set the sensor off on its 60 minute warm up without drama.

It might be possible to start with a Libre 2 reader or live Librelink app


and have them connect to Bluetooth initially. If you were then to turn that device off, or uninstall the app, or put it out of Bluetooth range or in a microwave then the next part "Might" transfer the Bluetooth connection to xDrip / OOP2 but I have not done this or seen anyone make a detailed credible report of it.

6.    “Capturing” the sensor with xDrip

By scanning the Libre 2 sensor with NFC on the phone the Bluetooth connection is established between the sensor and the phone. This “handshake” process works when the sensor has no active Bluetooth connection, which is certainly the case if it has been initiated with something that cannot provide a Bluetooth link.

Xdrip needs to be configured with “Libre Bluetooth” as its Hardware Data Source. This is one of the first Libre options in the list in Settings.

Underneath “Hardware Data Source” in settings is “NFC Scan features”, tis needs to be set to “ON” with the slider, in “Starting bluetooth connection with libre 2 sensors” I chose the setting “Always connect...” but “ask each time” should work. “Never connect...” will prevent Xdrip trying to acquire the single Bluetooth connection to the sensor.

Further down I selected “Use any-tag optimized reading method” after my first attempts were unsuccessful and generated a lot of errors with the “Use faster multi-block....” method.

Remaining NFC options are self explanatory, I enabled “Scan when not in xDrip+” for convenience. Other settings were all at default from a clean install of Xdrip.

With those settings in place, and having already installed and opened OOP2 on the phone, with xDrip open and any other Libre app closed you scan the Libre 2 with the back or other NFC area of your phone and the magic happens.

The System Status classic status page should show “Data Source: LimiTTer” and “Bluetooth Device:ABBOTT0MHxxxxxxx where the 0MHxxxxxxx is the sensor serial no.

On the BT Device status page (swipe left from Classic) you should see information about the sensor link including the Device MAC address and Status (Connected, hopefully). Pairing is not required and should show as Disabled.

With this done you have a working data connection to the sensor and the rest is standard Xdrip - you need to “Start” the sensor in Xdrip from the main menu or by answering a pop-up. This isn’t starting the sensor in the Abbott sense, it is starting off the process of Xdrip collecting and using Libre data.

7.    Scanning with Librelink

Having followed the procedure above I subsequently scanned the sensor using Librelink on a second phone. Initially with Bluetooth off, but later with it enabled, I am able to NFC scan the Libre sensor in the normal way without disturbing Xdrip.

This appears to provide a solution to those wanting to run live data direct to Xdrip but needing to upload data to Libreview for their medical team or as a funding condition.

8.    Things to do

Test Librelink on the same phone as Xdrip, to see if denying access to Bluetooth or other steps will allow the two to co-exist.

Test to see if it is possible to “move” the connection between phones running Xdrip, or between Xdrip and Librelink and back.

9.    Support

OOP2 support is via OOP2 Support or 
Xdrip support https://gitter.im/jamorham/xDrip-plus 

I’ll do what I can to help via xDrip - UK  but with  my experience Libres and  Xdrip is very limited!

10.    Acknowledgements
Tzachi Dar ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) for developing the Libre 2 bluetooth elements.
jamorham ( https://jamorham.github.io/#xdrip-plus ) for Xdrip+ development.
Other contributors and testers to the projects involved.

11.                       Original instructions

started  [December 9, 2020 1:06 AM](https://gitter.im/LibreOOPAlgorithm/Lobby?at=5fcfeae2127f4104e3e7a731)

which contained the following instructions :-

“What one has to do is:
1) install oop2 and see that it works (just open it).
2) install xDrip. (you might have to backup your settings and DB, and uninstall the old version first.)
3) When asked for the sensor choose libre bluetooth.
4) Start the sensor.
5) Scan the libre sensor with xDrip it will ask you if to connect to bluetooth streaming. Press yes.
6) Scan the sensor again.
7) After about 15 minutes you will be asked to enter a calibration.”

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