
Nightscout (also known as "CGM in the Cloud") is an open-source cloud product used by families and individuals with diabetes  parents of kids with diabetes to visualize, store and share the data from their Continuous Glucose Monitoring sensors in real-time.

Once setup, Nightscout acts as a central repository of blood glucose and insulin dosing/treatment data for a single person, allowing you to view the CGM graph and treatment data anywhere using just a web browser connected to the internet.

There are several parts to this system. You need somewhere online to store/process/visualize this data (a Nightscout Site), something to upload CGM data to your Nightscout (an Uploader), and then optionally you can use other devices to access/view this data (one - or more - Follower):

Nightscout Site

The Nightscout cloud application can be installed by yourself using hosting services from various cloud service providers.

Although not necessary, you might prefer to use paid hosting services for your database (to avoid future maintenance tasks) or indeed pay to use a fully-managed Nightscout hosting service to avoid having to personally build and maintain your site yourself.


The CGM data is usually sent to Nightscout by an uploader device (often known as an "Uploader") such as a mobile/cellphone running an app such as xDrip+, Spike, xDrip4iOS or Medtronic Uploader.

Alternatively, the CGM data can be pulled directly from your online Dexcom or Medtronic CareLink accounts. The application you'll need for uploading the data depends on which CGM device you're using and what type of mobile device you have. Once you've read this page (yes - all the way to the bottom!), you can find more information here about Uploaders. When I get around to it!


In addition to viewing the data using a web browser, there are also applications available for mobile devices, smartwatches, electronic devices and other cloud-based services which allow you alternative ways to view and interact with the information stored within your Nightscout site (often known as "Followers"). 

What are you needing you ask:

You don't need alot to get Nightscout up and running but let's start with the essentials.


You will need:

  • A CGM sensor: Dexcom, Medtronic, Freestyle Libre (plus an additional transmitter) or Eversense
  • A way to upload your data, to be stored in Nightscout (this is generally an internet-connected mobile phone or PC with a matching uploader app)
  • Internet access
  • A few hours of "quiet" time (a nice cup of coffee is optional but highly recommended)
  • Basic computer skills and the ability to be careful follow the installation guides shown on this site

"Careful" means that you will thoroughly read, follow and complete each step without skipping any and, you just need to be patient without giving up thinking that it is too difficult - it isn't.