Dexcom G6 Patched for Android

I first used this Dexcom G6 Patched for Android April 2022 due to needing a way to print reports like it was from a Dexcom App and connect to Dexcom Clarity. Which this App helped to do this.

You will have already needed to have a Nightscout setup,xdrip and AndroidAPS before you do this process! you may get away with not having AndroiAPS installed but I have not tested this.

You will also need to change your settings in Xdrip data source should be set to 640G / EverSenser



1. Now you will need to go here Dexcom Patched Link and fill in the details, to get a downloaded APK file to install.






After submitting you should receive an email with a link in it to download your APX file, which you will then need to transfer the APX file to your mobile phone.

3. You will need a apk installer App on your mobile from Google Play, to install the APX file you have just downloaded.


I found on my Note 10+  I had already one installed, so I only needed to go to My Files and click on the APK and look for the APK file and installed it.