Dexcom G6

How to Quickly Release The Dexcom G6  Transmitter

I 'm publishing this due to having issues after taking a shower and the condensation was causing the Dexcom G6 to stop working.

So I found out that if I removed it you are then able to clean the Transmitter and get your Dexcom back working. 

I hope this little tip helps you out. You will notice where I put the test strip in position with the slight notches 


I tended to use this method when the transmitter got dirt under it or condensation through sweating or needing to do a restart. A friend posted this tip to me which I thought was

a really helpful and better way than having to carry a toothpick around with you to remove your transmitter. I used a Freestyle Libre Test strip.

It's also a good way if in the middle of using a Sensor and you need to replace the transmitter due to the battery running low or failure in your Dexcom. 

Another tip is if you stop your sensor on your receiver or Mobile App then take out the transmitter for 30 minutes, put transmitter back in and wait for the 2 hours warm up again you will have extended life on your Dexcom G6 sensors, please note you may get more incorrect readings in doing this, so please be extra careful and finger prick if in doubt. 

It's also best you still have your blood machine available with test strips due to failures in any of them, better to be safe rather than be in hypo or hyper state and not know your levels.